Be My Friend

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I Want To Play In Camera Critters Too!

I wouldn't want to be left out!! Since Santa has joined the fun in Camera Critters, I want to play too!

I'll stick to Santa no matter what!

When we play...

When we relax...

When we sleep...

Even when we eat!

Click on the badge to see other camera critters...
Camera Critters


  1. You are really cute! Adorable pictures, it's so nice to have someone to play!
    Happy Camera critters

  2. Hello cute Minnie! You are so sweet! We loved this post - although we like to think of ourselves as manly and quite butch (he he he!) - we're just like you two and really don't enjoy being apart either. We like to eat together, play together and snuggle together. Well, the pups that snuggle together stick together....or something like that at any rate, he he he! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

  3. you guys are great fun together like 2 stuffed toys

  4. How cute! I still have to put up my critter for this week and so does Cookie! We'll do it tomorrow =]

    Santa and Minnie are adorable,

  5. hey minnie you are such a sweetheart!

    do drop by at Pet Pride

    Pet Pride

  6. Minnie you are very cute, and it looks like you do a great job at keeping Santa on his toes.

    Calico Contemplations

  7. Oh my god, you dog is so cute! Especially the photo use as your main image. I just want to kiss him, such a cutie! I'd love to do a custom portrait of him in fiber! Check out my custom art portraits, I think this would be the cutest dog I ever done - that first photo is a stunner!

    Cast your vote for which of my artworks should be the next free giveaway


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