Be My Friend

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Our New Bed?

Wowee...we've got a new bed! It's so big and it can accommodate all the three of us!!

Christmas, is our new bed comfy?

It's big enough for Mummy to join us too...oh my!

Besides sleeping, we can roll about in it...

Or wrestle too.'s so bouncy!! What fun!!

Huh? This is not for us? Why, it's for Grandma? How come it's for Grandma? But that's not fair!! Grandma has already got one and we don't!!

Minnie's Signature


  1. That would of made a GREAT bed for you guys. Maybe your Grandma will share it with you....

  2. Perhaps everyone can take turns to sleep on the bed... I'm sure grandma won't mind :)

    Licks, hero

  3. Awww MAN! You guys just got bambooozled!

    You better be super nice and break out the puppy eyes so Grandma will share her new bed with you!

    Wags and Woofs,
    Mack and Mia

  4. Maybe Grandma will give you her old bed?! Or maybe if you're nice, she'll share her new one with you! :)

    I'm hosting a dog swap, come join the fun! Details are on my blog.

  5. We had a feeling that bed was not going to be yours. But Sprinkles has a great idea - maybe you can have Grandma's old one. If not, just go snuggle with Grandma.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  6. i'm totally sure that ya'll can fit on the bed with your grammy. if you are good doggies and ask nicely, maybe she'll share with you! :)
    the booker man

  7. Gosh...a new muches fun. And it's even on da floor so you don't haves to jump.

  8. Hi girls - how kind of you to try the new bed out for granny before you let her use it, we know how important it is to check these things out for ultimte comfiness! We're sure she'll share with you - who wouldn't want to snuggle you three?! We sure would - sigh.....! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

  9. It looks like tons of fun. Maybe Grandma will share with you!


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