Be My Friend

Monday, April 19, 2010

Date Night And Update On My Ouchie

Thank goodness, Calvert has showed up and was in time to join us at Date Night. He even brought me a gift!! Thanks Calvert, I love bones. You're so thoughtful.

Santa and I had a great time at Date Night with Calvert, Guinness and Groucho. Thanks so much to you guys for being our escorts. We would also like to thank the hostess, Twix, for hosting such a great party.
Calvert with his gift for me and looking handsome wearing the red scarf from our friends, JD and Max.

Now that the party's over, I would like to give you, my friends, an update on my ouchie. Remember the bruise that I got last week? It looked bad, doesn't it? But, really, it didn't hurt much. I could still play bitey, running, jumping, catching, zoomies and all else.
It's totally gone now! Thank you all, for your concern.

And today, I'm back on duty...keeping a watch over Grandma, guarding her and staying by her side and giving her lots of kisses too.
Minnie's Signature


  1. Wasn't date night fun!!!

    We're glad that your ouchie is all better!!

    Woofs and Kisses!
    The Fiesty Three

  2. Hi Minnie,
    I'm so glad your 'ouchie' is all better and what a fun date night!
    Luv, Lucy (Woof!)

  3. We are very happy to hear that your ouchie is all better. It was great meeting you and Santa at Twix's Date Night - wasn't it just so much fun?

    Have a great week and hugs to your Grandma.

    Woos- Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  4. Boy I am glad your owie is all healed up. You are doing good at your job of guarding grandma.

  5. miss minnie,
    i just knew calvert would make it to date night and surprise you!! :)
    i'm super glad your tummy bruise is all better now. it looks like you are takin' grrreat care of your grammy. good job!
    the booker man

  6. How sweet of Calvert to bring you a bone!

    I'm glad your bruise healed up. It looked painful!

    You're doing an excellent job of guarding Grandma and making sure no one bothers her.

  7. Date night was a blast. I'm so glad your bruise has cleared up!

  8. Glad to hear your ouchie has gone away... wasn't it a great date night? I'm sure Calvert enjoyed the night too having such a hot date.

    Licks, hero

  9. Hi Minnie - you and Calvert made the cutest couple - will you be going out again?!

    We're glad your ouchie is better - you're such a brave little girl. And your grandma sure is lucky to have you around - you take such good care of her!

    Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.


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