Be My Friend

Sunday, December 13, 2009

We Get To Go For A Walk

Mummy and Aunty Diana went to a nearby, newly opened petshop and bought a leash for our newcomer.

Then we were taken out for a walk...yeah! I love to go for a walk.

What are we waiting for? Hurry up, you two, before we get all tangled up.

Hey, Santa, we are not waiting for you! Mummy, stop yaking on that thing!

You found something over there, Santa?

Haha...that's Aunty Diana and mummy with the three of us!

Look at her! She needs a rest just after that short walk.

Come on, friend, time to go home!

Oh wow! This is our dinner spread after our short walk. Huh? Those are not for us? That is just not fair! Why do you humans get so many dishes at each meal while we get only one bowl of the same food at every meal?

Let's check out what the others are up to at...

Minnie's Signature


  1. Oh, I love you guys! Sure wish we lived close to each other so we could go play together! You're both just soooooo handsome! And I like you cute little friend, too!!

    Lots of snuggles!

    Sam Schnauzer

  2. All three are very cute dogies. I especially loved the last photo in front of the food.

  3. Nice walkie there... I do agree, how come we always have a single bowl, not fair! What's the newcomer name?

    Licks, hero

  4. They are all so cute, the last photo is just priceless.
    The Road to Here

  5. you have asked such a pertinent question! has always bothered me too!


    Pet Pride

  6. All three pups are sooo cute! It looks like you had a great walk :D

    <3 Jessie

  7. Hi Minnie - aw, what a lovely walk. Although we're loving the snow here we admit we miss seeing the sun a bit so we did like to see photos of a nice day in your post! Shame the food wasn't for you! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.


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