Be My Friend

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ryan's Shoes Size

I am on Ryan's school shoes...
Looks like I'm the same size as the shoes.
What is this smell?
Hmph, hmph...smells awful.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another Playmate

This is Xiao, let's see if she would play with me...
Hey, I just want to play...
I won't bite.
Let's play chase...
Go on, run, I'll chase...
Come on out, don't hide behind your mummy's legs!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Playing With Santa

Santa thinks that I don't know she's behind me...
...and when I made a sudden turn around, I gave her a fright...
She ran up to her chair knowing that I can't get her there...
Santa, that's not fair!
Come on down and play with me!
Come on Santa, I'm waiting...
I'm tired of waiting for you Santa, I need a rest...
Do you want to get in here with me?
No? You prefer to stay on the cold tiled floor?

Friday, April 24, 2009

An Orange Ball

Is this an orange or a ball?
It is a ball...
...and it is an orange too...
How do I play with it?
**sniff** **sniff**

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm A Natural!

Some of my pictures just for you...

How do you like my pictures?

Home Made Toys

A new toy and a bunch of keys...
...these toys are for me...
...let me test this out...
...there are somethings inside that make it rattles...
...and it has been named "the noisy toy".

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I finally get to eat...
...soaked kibbles......want some?

Comparing My Size

This is to compare my size to the container...what's that in the container? smells good...
...quick, feed me, I'm hungry...
...grrrr...when can I have some food?
My teeth is showing.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My Size

Today I have been through life for 41 days.
Looking at me from the top...
...comparing me in length to the tile on the floor which is one foot by one foot...
...and comparing me to Bunny.

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