Be My Friend

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Our New Bed?

Wowee...we've got a new bed! It's so big and it can accommodate all the three of us!!

Christmas, is our new bed comfy?

It's big enough for Mummy to join us too...oh my!

Besides sleeping, we can roll about in it...

Or wrestle too.'s so bouncy!! What fun!!

Huh? This is not for us? Why, it's for Grandma? How come it's for Grandma? But that's not fair!! Grandma has already got one and we don't!!

Minnie's Signature

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Way I Sleep

Can you sleep like this?
(A view from the top)

Then you get up to find one ear missing!

Minnie's Signature

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Date Night And Update On My Ouchie

Thank goodness, Calvert has showed up and was in time to join us at Date Night. He even brought me a gift!! Thanks Calvert, I love bones. You're so thoughtful.

Santa and I had a great time at Date Night with Calvert, Guinness and Groucho. Thanks so much to you guys for being our escorts. We would also like to thank the hostess, Twix, for hosting such a great party.
Calvert with his gift for me and looking handsome wearing the red scarf from our friends, JD and Max.

Now that the party's over, I would like to give you, my friends, an update on my ouchie. Remember the bruise that I got last week? It looked bad, doesn't it? But, really, it didn't hurt much. I could still play bitey, running, jumping, catching, zoomies and all else.
It's totally gone now! Thank you all, for your concern.

And today, I'm back on duty...keeping a watch over Grandma, guarding her and staying by her side and giving her lots of kisses too.
Minnie's Signature

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Looking For Calvert

Oh no, where is Calvert? Has anybody seen Calvert?

Hope he is fine...

Minnie's Signature

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Calvert, Oh Calvert...

...won't you take us to Twix's Date Night?

Santa and I have never been to such a party and we would love to go. It would be nice if you can go with us. Please say "yes", please....

For more details of the party, please check...

Minnie's Signature

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Grandma, I Love You!

I have an important task on paws today.

How are you feeling today, Grandma?

Let me kiss your worries away...

How are you feeling now, Grandma?

Not to worry, Grandma, we are here...

I will kiss all your worries away!

Be strong, Grandma, I'll always be by your side!

Loving you, Grandma,

Minnie's Signature

Monday, April 12, 2010

But It Doesn't Hurt!

The humans got a shock when they saw what's on my belly...

I've got a bruise there! It is just above the surgery scar.

They kept asking how I got it and does it hurt. The thing is that I don't even know when I got it! I could have played too rough with Santa and Christmas and bumped into somewhere or even got bitten by either of them.

But it doesn't hurt a bit. I am fine!

Minnie's Signature

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dinner Time

Mealtime again? So soon? What's for dinner? Argh...the same old food...

Minnie's Signature
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